Sometimes, just sometimes, I get really frustrated. Frustrated that people fail to tell the truth despite obvious signs that others also were there, were apart of the story and saw what happened. Frustrated that people think that whatever they say will get
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We are a pretty sociable group, us humans. We love a good laugh and we all think that we never have enough good times. We enjoy good company and we do our best to make a good impression. Most of all we
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You know the feeling. Despite all you tell yourself, you still feel a deep seated feeling of frustration, anger even… and all that happened was someone said something that went against the grain. Rationally, you can see that the person lacked an
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Have you ever noticed how people seem to have completely the wrong idea or perception of you? They say something like “You are always so shy” or You are always bossy” …and you think… “How did they come to that conclusion?… they are
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Why do we constantly find that we must justify what we are doing or feel at the whim of others? Why do we want to explain how right we are during an argument? …all this and more… When we take a step
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Why is it that we learn all about reading, writing and arithmetic or math’s, when we go to school but they leave the real learning to chance? We can choose to take on an apprenticeship to learn all about building houses or
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Well what a good week it has been. There is a feeling that spring is in the air. (not that we have had a winter) The days are becoming longer and there is a definite warmth in the air. This all adds
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We live in a world where people are sometimes unpredictable, darn right rude or totally oblivious to our own feelings and emotions. The thing is, we still have to live in this world, despite these people and sometimes they are closer to
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I have just seen a guy swallow a billiard ball. Now I had to ask myself “why would anyone do such a thing, and how would you find out you could do it in the first place?” Now it wasn’t that he
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When Life turns to custard and everything looks grim, how are we supposed to make informed decisions and choices? For us, everything looks bleak. There seems to be more problems than solutions. There are so many variables that this isn’t an easy
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