Why is it that we learn all about reading, writing and arithmetic or math’s, when we go to school but they leave the real learning to chance? We can choose to take on an apprenticeship to learn all about building houses or
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Well what a good week it has been. There is a feeling that spring is in the air. (not that we have had a winter) The days are becoming longer and there is a definite warmth in the air. This all adds
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I have just seen a guy swallow a billiard ball. Now I had to ask myself “why would anyone do such a thing, and how would you find out you could do it in the first place?” Now it wasn’t that he
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When Life turns to custard and everything looks grim, how are we supposed to make informed decisions and choices? For us, everything looks bleak. There seems to be more problems than solutions. There are so many variables that this isn’t an easy
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The interesting fact is that everything that belongs to us or we have some sort of control over is a reflection of us. Have a look around the room you sit in right now. What’s it like? Whatever the state of your
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You know what its like… you buy a product and then your problems begin. It can be any product or service but it appears that the simple catchphrase- service- has gone out the window. Just about everyone I know has a story
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I read a article regarding the passing of Scott Lemmon, the author of Proxomitron. It is sometimes amazing the effect that events can have on us. What actually hit me was the legacy that Scott has left… and the high regard in
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How many times do we get caught feeling absolutely hopeless? It can happen when a member of our family gets admitted to an emergency hospital. It can happen when our world falls apart for some reason. It can be a little thing
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Communicating can be the Devil We all have conversations every day but how many times do we actually think about the process…. and yes, I am talking about the boring subject of actually looking at how we communicate or the process of
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How do you eat an Elephant? Well the answer is easy, really… one bite at a time! …which brings me to the world of one liners. We are all familiar with the odd comment that brightens up a boring conversation but how
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